write, editor, speaker, baker, photographer not necessarily in that order

Louvre Abu Dhabi

Louvre Abu Dhabi

The Rain of Light Copyright James Langton Click to enlarge

Work on Jean Nouvel's architectural masterpiece, the Louvre Abu Dhabi, began in early 2013. The museum is intended to be the first of three international institutions, with the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and the Zayed National Museum, that will create the Saadiyat Island Cultural District. Which is where I came in, as News Features Editor of The National newspaper. In an extraordinary gesture of trust and cooperation for a project of this nature in the UAE, we were allowed exclusive access to the site during nearly five years of construction. The series, The Making of a Museum, is a remarkable documentary of a modern wonder of the world and I was privileged to be able to both write and edit for the project, as well as contribute the photograph on this page, which was published over two pages in The National's Weekend section in 2015.  Click here to learn more about the Making of a Museum series. The Louvre Abu Dhabi opened in November 2017.